

枢机主教周星驰,S.J., the bishop of Hong Kong 和 a proponent of closer ties between the Vatican 和 China, will address the 12bet Class of 2024 at the University’s 148th Commencement Exercises on May 20.

大学校长William P. 莱希,年代.J., will present Cardinal Chow with an honorary degree at the ceremony, which will take place at 10 a.m. 在校友体育馆,风雨无阻.

除了, the University will present honorary degrees to: accomplished former BC 和 pro basketball player 达纳·巴罗斯, 89年,现在是一个成功的企业家; 玛丽亚·特蕾莎·德·洛埃拉·洛佩兹修女,M.S. ’19, a beloved servant of the poor in Mexico who was among the first cohort in the United States-Latin American Sisters Exchange Program; 詹姆斯·奥康奈尔, president of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program; 和 玛丽的队长他是波士顿公立学校的负责人.




一年前,红衣主教周,S.J., became the first bishop of Hong Kong in nearly three decades to visit Beijing. 去年11月, 在他被教皇弗朗西斯任命为红衣主教后不久, 他向北京的李若瑟总主教发出回访邀请, 他是首位在香港的北京主教. Cardinal Chow underscored these developments—cited by experts as symbolic gestures that could strengthen the fragile Vatican-China relationship—with his statement that he dreamed of bishops 和 the faithful from different parts of greater China gathering someday “to pray together.”

的 Vatican 和 China have a long 和 complex history: 的 two severed diplomatic ties in 1951, 和 there have been tensions related to the dual existence of an official, state-sanctioned Chinese Catholic Church 和 an underground Church loyal to the pope. Cardinal Chow has expressed desire for his native Hong Kong to be a “bridge-building” church that will promote cordial exchanges between Rome 和 Beijing.

Cardinal Chow was provincial of the Chinese Jesuits from 2018 until 2021, 在他被任命为主教五个月后. He attended a secondary school staffed by Irish Jesuits before enrolling in the University of Minnesota, where he earned bachelor’s 和 master’s degrees; he also holds degrees from Dublin’s Milltown Institute of 的ology 和 Philosophy, 香港圣灵神学院, 芝加哥洛约拉大学, 哈佛大学. Cardinal Chow participated in the Jesuits’ 36th General Congregation in 2016. 




他是波士顿Mattapan社区的本地人, Barros had a st和-out basketball career in the college 和 professional ranks. 第一个得分超过2分的BC球员,000 career points 和 one of only two players to twice lead the Big East Conference in scoring, Barros收到了Nathaniel J. Hasenfus "Eagle of the Year" Award as outst和ing male athlete in his graduating class.

他的NBA生涯持续了13年, 积累8,作为西雅图超音速的一员,他得到895分, 费城76人队, 波士顿凯尔特人队, 和底特律活塞队. 1995年,他入选NBA全明星. He was inducted into the 12bet Varsity Club Athletic Hall of Fame in 2005, 他的3号在2017年退役了.

从NBA退役后, 巴罗斯一直是一名企业家, 公众演说家, 教练, 电视分析师, 波士顿市娱乐部门的负责人, 也是凯尔特人管理层的一员. In 2018, 他开了达纳·巴罗斯篮球俱乐部, 谁主持练习和训练, 业余体育总会运动会, 比赛, 和 basketball camps; the club is ranked among the top 10 basketball training centers in the U.S.

两年前, Barros returned to the Heights to assist BC Athletics with alumni engagement, 媒体关系, 并启动了一项男子篮球指导计划.




玛丽亚·特蕾莎修女, of the Congregation of Catholic Sisters Teachers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 她是美国首批女性宗教团体的成员之一.S.-Latin American Sisters Exchange Program, launched in 2014 by Catholic Extension through a Conrad N. 希尔顿基金会资助. 的 five-year initiative provides the opportunity to attain a university degree in the U.S., serve the poor in an Extension diocese, 和 gain leadership 和 ministry skills. 

通过与12bet(12bet)合作的这个项目. Tere earned a master’s degree in applied leadership studies in 2019 from the Woods College of Advancing Studies.  超越学术经验, 英国广播公司帮助她“学会了美国人敢于梦想的心态”, 要有远见,她在接受bbc新闻采访时说. “我已经准备好为我的社区服务了.” 

Sr. Tere returned to her native Mexico in 2020 to lead a large religious education program in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. She serves 60 parishes 和 leads a staff of 12, 和 drives to distant parishes to train catechists. 尽管穿越了贩毒集团控制的地区, 她不惧风险,并致力于组建非专业领导人. Her vocation has also taken her to serve in other locations, including Venezuela 和 Peru. 她的你.S. 牧师在圣。. 阿肯色州小石城教区的施洗约翰教区.




詹姆斯(吉姆)奥康奈尔,M.D., is the founding physician 和 president of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program (BHCHP), an integrated network of health care 和 social service providers who deliver equitable 和 dignified access to comprehensive, high-quality care for individuals 和 families experiencing homelessness in Boston. 在收容所和医院的30多个诊所开展工作, 在一个医疗休养计划中, 在大街上, BHCHP提供医疗服务, 行为保健, 青年及家庭服务, 和病例管理近10人,每年有1000人. 在博士. 奥康奈尔的领导, BHCHP opened the nation’s first medical respite care facility for homeless patients 和 created the first electronic medical records system for a homeless program.

Dr. 奥康奈尔见到了波士顿无家可归的人, 经常在晚上游览城市, 提供医疗服务, 袜子, 汤, 同理心, 和那些生活在边缘的人的友谊. His compassionate 和 dignified care was depicted in Tracy Kidder’s acclaimed book, 露宿者:Dr. 吉姆·奥康奈尔的紧急使命:为无家可归的人带来治愈, which was selected as the common read for the 12bet Class of 2027.

他是……的编辑 的 Health Care of Homeless Persons: A Manual of Communicable Diseases 和 Common Problems in Shelters 他的文章曾发表在许多期刊上,包括 新英格兰医学杂志. A recipient of the 2012 Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism, Dr. 奥康奈尔在2023年被评为波士顿年度人物 波士顿环球报.




终身教育家和学校领导, 玛丽的队长 has served as superintendent of the Boston Public Schools since September 2022. She has demonstrated her commitment to a vision of BPS as a welcoming, 安全, 和 sustainable district through the settlement of outst和ing labor contracts 和 the expansion of more inclusive education for students with disabilities 和 multilingual learners.

由一个高中都没上完的单身母亲抚养长大, 队长, 拥有三个硕士学位, has characterized her choice to become a teacher as the fulfillment of her professional calling. She launched her teaching career at Boston Latin Academy 和 12bet High School, 之后在波士顿公立学校待了17年.  She served as the founding headmaster 和 chief education officer of TechBoston Academy, a pilot school hailed by former President Barack Obama as a national model for its cutting-edge curriculum, 和高毕业和大学安置成功. 作为中学的网络主管, 她监管着34个设施,其中近20个,000名学生, 在她任职期间, 这些学校的辍学率最低, 也是该区历史上毕业率最高的学生.

在领导全州最大的学区之前, 这位波士顿人在萨默维尔公立学校领导了7年. 在她执政期间, 该学区的毕业率有所提高, 出席, 以及学生评估结果, 尽管撤资有所减少.